Hi! We are back! It has been six years since our little family last went on an airplane trip to a warm place and this year we decided we needed to get away and recharge. It has been a long six years, development of the campground and operating it for the last three years feels like it has been more than just six years. We don’t take weekends off, we are very focused and determined in our goals. This year we decided to create some balance and enjoy our family before they have grown and gone. We wanted to make some fun memories.
We shut off the phones, we didn’t talk about the campground (but who is kidding who I could not help but think about the campground), we did our best to live in the moment. That is not to say that there as wasn’t a lot of thought or reflection, there was probably more of that than I would have guessed. I thought a lot of my folks who stayed on the farm to keep an eye on things and we sure missed having them there. The campground had an open house for guests while we were away, animals need to be fed, snow needs to be plowed, and my folks graciously helped while we were away.
Now that we are back we’re tackling the mountains of laundry created, filling the fridge, and enjoying this farm and home. We are so lucky! We’re looking forward to spending more time together this Christmas.
Perspective was gained, sore muscles soothed, and our appetite to check things off the list restored. We are excited about the work to be done knowing it’s not something not just for us but for hundreds of people each year, our wonderful guests.
Now that we are back we’re tackling the mountains of laundry created, filling the fridge, and enjoying this farm and home. We are so lucky! We’re looking forward to spending more time together this Christmas.
Perspective was gained, sore muscles soothed, and our appetite to check things off the list restored. We are excited about the work to be done knowing it’s not something not just for us but for hundreds of people each year, our wonderful guests.
I’m happy my folks are going to take some time off soon and I could not be prouder to oversee the farm and campground while they take an equally much needed break.
We wish everyone and their families a Merry Christmas and joyous year to come!!